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Postado em: 03/10/2018 09:46:00 por Equipe ConsertaSmart

O “Chargegate”, nome pelo qual ficaram conhecidos os problemas de recarga de bateria do iPhone Xs e iPhone Xs Max, deve ser corrigido pelo segundo beta do iOS 12.1. A informação foi confirmada pel blogueiro canadense Rene Ritchie em seu perfil no Twitter.





Ainda não foi divulgada a data do lançamento oficial do iOS 12.1, que contém a solução do problema, mas é válido lembrar que a Apple promoverá neste mês de outubro um evento dedicado ao iPad, quando pode muito bem disponibilizar a nova versão do sistema operacional.

Outras atualizações vistas no beta do iOS 12.1 incluem 70 novos emojis, uma correção ao modo Acessibilidade e refinamento de performance do sistema, com correção de outros bugs.

Veja a imagem neste link.

Rene Ritchie?@reneritchie

Today’s iOS 12.1 beta includes a fix for the charging issue some people were experiencing with iPhone and iPad.

With it, no more delay or uncertainty about charging. You’ll be back to just plugging it in and getting power.

(Pretty much what I said in my video yesterday.)

14:39 - 2 de out de 2018

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  • 96 pessoas estão falando sobre isso



The "Chargegate", name by which the problems of battery recharge of the iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max were known, must be corrected by the second beta of iOS 12.1. The information was confirmed by Canadian blogger Rene Ritchie in his profile on Twitter.

The official release of iOS 12.1, which contains the solution to the problem, has not been released yet, but it is worth remembering that Apple will promote an iPad event this October, when it may well provide the new version of the operating system.

Other updates seen in the beta of iOS 12.1 include 70 new emojis, a fix to Accessibility mode and refinement of system performance, with fixes for other bugs.


Veja a imagem neste link.

Rene Ritchie?@reneritchie

Today’s iOS 12.1 beta includes a fix for the charging issue some people were experiencing with iPhone and iPad.

With it, no more delay or uncertainty about charging. You’ll be back to just plugging it in and getting power.

(Pretty much what I said in my video yesterday.)

14:39 - 2 de out de 2018

  • 194
  • 96 pessoas estão falando sobre isso

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